Property Treaty London | Reinsurance | Brit Insurance

Maximum Cat Line
Combined with Bermuda



Our advantage is that our reinsurance offering is not limited by the traditional Lloyd’s model.

Our independence of thought and strong track record enables us to stand behind our own decision making and pricing on either a subscription or stand alone basis. We enjoy taking an entrepreneurial position, so please get in touch with our experienced team who will work with you to strike the best deal for you and your clients.

Our Property Treaty account is focused on Catastrophe excess of loss and Risk excess of loss where significant capacity can be offered in lead or follow positions. We will also consider pro rata deals with emphasis on natural perils. 

In North America we will entertain nationwide, regional and single state carriers. We will consider worldwide deals for select clients. 

Internationally, the portfolio has global scope but the main territories are Europe, Japan and Australia where business is predominantly written on a Catastrophe excess of loss basis. Underwriters utilise our representative office in Japan to assist in the writing and servicing of Japanese clients.


Our Capacity

    • 2987 Capacity: Cat $100m, Risk $20m

Our Capacity


The Leadenhall Building,
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The Leadenhall Building,
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