Our CPR service is for small to medium-sized businesses. Our appetite includes a wide variety of industries and our cover includes three individual limits: Incident Response, Notification Services and Insurance Protection with the ability to re-deploy the insurance protection limit if required.

CPR Video

Introducing CPR

Incident response costs

The cover to manage the cost of a security or privacy breach, including:

Cover for

  • Legal fees for breach counsel
  • Computer forensic investigation costs
  • Public relations expenses
  • Crisis management costs

These covers are subject to their own limit and do not reduce the limits of the other parts of your policy.

Limit £5m

Notification services

Enabling you to notify and reassure those affected by a security or privacy breach.

Cover for

  • Notification to regulators and individuals
  • Credit monitoring expenses
  • ID protection and restoration services

These covers are subject to their own limit and do not reduce the limits of the other parts of your policy.

Up to 2.5m notifiable individuals

Insurance protection

The cover to mitigate against the fallout of a breach and minimise its impact on your business.

  • Cover for business income and digital asset restoration including:
    • Outsourced IT service providers
    • Any unscheduled or unplanned outage
  • Cyber extortion
  • Cyber crime
  • Privacy and security liability
  • Regulatory Investigation under GDPR
  • Payment card industry coverage (PCI-DSS)
  • Multimedia liability
  • Phone phreaking
  • Court attendance
  • Claims preparation costs

Limit £10m

Breach Response and Claims

Cyberattacks are increasing every year and they’re becoming more complex. That’s why we believe all organisations need to be prepared. Understanding how your insurance policy can help in the event of an attack and who to turn to for immediate support is critical.

Find out more

Breach Response and Claims

Parallax Two People On Mountain


Our online training and risk management platform

We deliver a service that doesn't simply insure against risk, but helps businesses to confidently take control of it. Datasafe is our online training and risk management platform.

Find out more about Datasafe

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quick and easy access to our CPR product

cyber portal

All of our products are sold via intermediaries and insurance brokers. Brit has developed a portal for brokers to quote and bind products. If you are a broker you can log in here. If you're interested in our portal, please contact our e-trading team

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Our portal

Designed to make your life a little easier

Easy, simple quotations

  • Fast and simple quotations in minutes
  • Our cyber portal has a four-step submission that only requires name, turnover and record count to generate a quote.
  • Choose from three quote options presented in real time
  • Bulk upload for simple cross-sell

Referrals and Risk Appetite

  • Quick and simple online access to class-leading underwriters
  • Wide trade acceptance backed by extensive research and experience

Contract Certainty

  • Bind, mid-term adjustments and renewal functionality
  • Built-in sanctions check

Automated fulfillment

  • Policy document ready to download immediately after accepting the quote
  • Customer policy documents and invoice dispatched to the broker

Our portal

The better prepared a business is to recover from a cyber incident, the lower the risk they’ll have to contemplate paying a ransom to continue trading. Brit’s range of services, from cyber fitness checks and incident response planning to our virtual CISO and panel of experts help our clients stay ahead of the hackers.

ADELLE GRUBER Class Underwriter Global Cyber, Privacy and Technology

empowered to innovate, so you don't just survive but thrive

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Maidment Ben 4648

Ben Maidment

Head of Global Cyber Privacy and Technology

Maidment Ben 4648
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