
Our experts help multiple professions and service organisations of all sizes anticipate change, protect their people, manage their liability risks. Our tailored approach delivers all the confidence these businesses need – in a comprehensive, bespoke package.

Navigating The Insurance Landscape of Professional Services

The Professional Services industry has significance, scale, and intricate challenges. As this sector continues to evolve, embracing innovation and navigating uncertainties, the need to keep up with trends and new risks, as well as the need for robust insurance solutions is important.

We understand the unique landscape of Professional Services and our dedicated experts are committed to providing tailored coverage for your clients, with the aim of safeguarding their businesses in this ever-changing environment.

Professional Services Industry Insurance News & Trends

The Professional Services industry is not without its challenges. Ongoing regulatory changes, cybersecurity risks, and heightened competition make this an environment where adaptation is key.

Our list of trends will help you stay ahead of the curve and proactively adapt to Professional Services industry developments. Learn more about key trends in the Professional Services industry:

  • Remote Work Integration: The rise of remote work has implications for data security, client communications, and the overall service delivery model.
  • Technological Advancements in Legal Tech: From AI-driven legal research to blockchain in accounting, technology is transforming the way Professional Services operate.
  • Increased Focus on Cybersecurity: With the digitisation of services, cybersecurity becomes a top priority to withstand cyber attacks and protect sensitive client information.
  • Client-Centric Service Models: Emphasis on personalised services and client satisfaction using data analytics and customer feedback.
  • Global Collaboration: Increased partnerships and collaboration across borders, requiring understanding of cross-border regulations.
  • Agile Project Management: Adoption of agile methodologies for flexible responses to changing client needs, ensuring efficient project delivery.
  • Increased regulation: Alongside an increase in regulation and government scrutiny; there’s an increase in the costs associated with responding to investigations.

Staying informed about these trends is critical for making key decisions and safeguarding your success in the Professional Services industry. Explore our latest articles and insights to stay updated on industry developments:

RPA Parallax1

Addressing cyber security concerns in the era of remote working

One of the cornerstones of remote working within a hybrid model concerns employee’s ability to utilise remote access for tools and systems. Remote access means a bigger digital footprint for organisations, and the remote management and monitoring (RMM) tools that facilitate this come with vulnerabilities that cyber criminals can exploit. Professional services that utilise remote working patterns should look at securing their digital infrastructure, following best practice, and putting the appropriate measures in place to ensure the RMM platforms used by employees are secure.

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MFA Parallax1

Full-time home working is becoming increasingly remote for lawyers

While the years following 2020 saw an overall uptake in remote working across all sectors, full-time remote work options for US lawyers are decreasing due to stricter attendance policies and a return to pre-COVID employer expectations. Laura Terrell, former partner with Big Law firms including Paul Hastings and DLA Piper noted that most AmLaw 100 firms no longer permit fully remote work, emphasising the push to bring attorneys back to the office, some now mandating four or even five days in the office.

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Parallax Road In Forest

Increased environmental regulation challenges the construction sector

The engineering and construction industry grapples with increased regulatory pressures to balance efficiency with environmental regulations. The International Energy Agency’s “Net Zero Emissions by 2050 Scenario” requires all new buildings and 20% of existing structures to be zero-carbon-ready by 2030. Engineers are now having to continually work with the challenge of the cost of building construction rising as well as ensuring that new buildings are still designed within the requirements of increased environmental regulations.

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Phishing Parallax1

Agile project management could be hampered by a shortage in accounting

Agility in project management requires the involvement of project accountancy to allow for effective decision making and responsive budget management. However, the US accounting sector is struggling with a shortage of new talent due to long hours and stressful deadlines. KPMG is addressing the gap by offering paid internships to high schoolers, running a summer program for teenagers which offers a range of benefits and skill-building tools.

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What Risks Should Professional Services business be focused on?

With The Professional Services industry always moving, the landscape is full of uncertainties and new challenges. From professional negligence to cybersecurity, understanding and addressing risk is vital to business success. Discover some of the risks that can be found within Professional Services industry:

  • Professional Negligence: Risks associated with errors, omissions, or inadequate advice that could lead to financial losses for clients.
  • Cyber Threats: Risks related to ransomware events, data breaches, hacking, or other cybersecurity incidents that compromise sensitive client information.
  • Technological Advancements: Risks associated with the adoption of new technologies, including potential disruptions and challenges in ensuring smooth integration.
  • Globalisation and Legal Liabilities: Legal challenges arising from international operations, cross-border transactions, and navigating diverse legal frameworks.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Risks associated with evolving regulations affecting legal, accounting, and consultancy practices, including compliance failures.
  • Client Relations and Satisfaction: Risks associated with client dissatisfaction, including disputes, legal claims, and potential damage to the firm's reputation.
  • Talent Management Challenges: Risks related to talent acquisition, retention, and skill gaps, impacting the firm's ability to meet client demands.


Investing in insurance grants peace of mind to you and your clients, ensuring seamless operations even in challenging circumstances.

What is Professional Services Insurance?

We offer a comprehensive suite of insurance solutions tailored for the Legal, Accountancy, and Professional Services industry. Our commitment is to provide not just coverage but a partnership that understands the nuances of your business. Learn more about our offerings and discover how our expertise across industries and insurance products can support and protect your unique needs.

What Types of Professional Services Businesses Do We Cover?

Some of the types of Professional Services we provide cover for, although we’re not limited to these alone:

  • Legal
  • Accounting
  • Consulting
  • Architecture and Engineering
  • Marketing & Advertising
  • Information Technology (IT)
  • Human Resources Consulting

Please note that not all service types are eligible for each insurance type. Brokers are encouraged to get in touch for tailored guidance from our dedicated team.

What Types of Insurance Do Professional Services Providers Need?

Discover the insurance products we recommended for brokers serving the Professional Services industry. While we emphasise some key insurance products, we recognise that clients aren’t limited to these options alone. Explore our recommendations and consult with our experts to tailor coverage to your clients' unique needs.

  • Professional Liability (US/UK): Protection against claims of negligence or errors in service delivery.
  • Directors and Officers Insurance: Coverage for legal costs and losses due to wrongful acts by company officials.
  • Cyber Insurance: Safeguarding against the financial impact of ransomware events, data breaches and other cyber threats.

Remember, these recommendations provide a solid foundation, but your clients aren't limited to these products.

Our Professional Services Experts

Discover the experts behind Brit insurance’s Professional Services industry insights & coverage. Our team members bring extensive expertise and experience to the table, ensuring that you receive specialised support in navigating the complexities of this sector.

Get to know our teams and understand how we can be your partners in protection.