
Brit Global Specialty Bermuda complements our distribution network and is a key step in developing Brit's global offering. The office focuses on US property catastrophe reinsurance, retrocession and ILWs covers.

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Fionawoodcock Extended Web

Fiona Woodcock

Assistant Vice President, Property Treaty

Fionawoodcock Extended Web
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Maffit, Kristina

Kristina Maffit

Head of Property Treaty, Bermuda

Maffit, Kristina
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Cary David Web

David Cary

Deputy Head of Property Treaty, Bermuda

Cary David Web
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PC Travel Teaser

Private Client Travel

24-07-2024 |Private Client
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Breach Counsel Teaser

Breach response: leave it to the experts

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Brit appoints Jacques Bonneau to the Board of Brit Re

27-06-2024 |Brit Re
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Ai Snippet

Risk Versus Reward: Using AI In Business

22-05-2024 |Cyber
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Labdiamonds Teaser

Lab-grown diamonds: How they’re made & valued

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